Esther Bruggink , 1971, Dutch artist
1984-1991: Athenaeum
1991-1996: Academy of Arts St. Joost, Breda, The Netherlands
Sculpture, graduated cum laude
1996-1997: Academy of Arts, Antwerp, Belgium, sculpture
1997-1999: Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
Postacademical master study joint to the Gerrit Rietveld Academy
1-7-1999: Master of Fine Arts
Work purchased by the Textielmuseum Tilburg during Art Rotterdam 2022
Selection of Expositions:
2023: Art Rotterdam, galerie Phoebus Rotterdam
2022: Rondom Mondriaan, curated by Caro Verbeek and Benno Tempel, Kunstmuseum, Den Haag
2022: Art Rotterdam, booth Galerie Phoebus, groupexpo: The Right Size, van Nelle fabriek, Rotterdam
2022: The right size XL, galerie Phoebus Rotterdam
2021: `Septembergras`, groupexpo, curated by Jaap Velserboer, Akerendam, Beverwijk
2021: `Nature and aesthetics redefined`, groupexpo, curated by Hans-Peter Schoonenberg,
Nardinclant, Laren
2021: `Art Rotterdam` with Annemarie Finné and Jadranka Njegovan, galerie Phoebus Rotterdam.
2021: `Publieke werken` project with posters in the city, Rotterdam.
2021: Kappisten`, groupexpo, galerie Phoebus Rotterdam.
2020: `The Result ( works made during Corona-lockdown)`, groupexpo, galerie Phoebus Rotterdam.
2019: `Into Your Hands` solo, galerie Phoebus Rotterdam.
2019: `Dromen van Bomen` groupexposition, Gorcums Museum.
2019: groupexposition, works inspired by Ernst Heackel, gallerie Phoebus.
2018: `Beyond the body`, curated by Anne Berk, Kunstcentret Silkeborg Bad, Denmark
2018: `Het kind in mij` groupexpo, currated by Piet Augustijn,cultuurhuis Zinder, Tiel
2018: `Textiel leeft` groupexpo, Museum de Kantfabriek, Horst.
2018: Art On paper, artfair, gallerie Phoebus, Amsterdam
2018: `to ( dis)- appear`, duo solo with Amparo Sard: `slowly through water` gallerie Phoebus Rotterdam
2017: Compilation 5 Jahre Weltkunstzimmer, Weltkunstzimmer, Dusseldorf
2017 : summerexhibition, groupexpo. gallerie Phoebus, Rotterdam
2016: `Cave of forgotten dreams`, groupexposition, curated by Gerda Kruimer, Koel310, Alkmaar
2016: `Pensées Sauvages`, biennale, Dourdan, France.
2013: `Ab homine creatum`, groupexposition curated by Luk van Soom,
Beeldig Hof ter Saksen, Beveren, Belgium
2012: `Jenseits, Beyond the body`, groupexposition currated by Anne Berk,
Hans Peter Zimmer Stiftung, Dusseldorf, Germany
2012: `Raw Expo`, Rotterdam
2011: `LICHT!`, nieuwe vide, Haarlem
2011: `Queeste`, kleine zaal, Vishal, Haarlem
2011: Scope Basel, gallery Judy Straten.
2011: “double work Sandberg revisited”, kunst kapel, zuidas, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
2011: “Bruggink/Martins”, gallery Judy Straten, Horst, The Netherlands.
2010: “ Young Collectors #3: Alexander Mayhew & Jaring Durst Britt, Sign, Groningen, The Netherlands.
2010: “zzz...Corrosia! slaapt”, Corrosia, Almere, The Netherlands
2009: “ Marieke” permanent work in public space, Schoonoord, Drenthe, The Netherlands.
2009: “Bruggink/Somers” Galerie 37 Spaarnestad, dubble solo with Mirjam Somers, Haarlem,
The Netherlands
2008: Lumen III , De Markten, Brussels Belgium
2007: Lumen II , gallery Jan Colle, Gent , Belgium
2006: Open Video Projects, blueroom, curator Sarra Brill, Rome, Italië
2006: ‘ART FAB’, European women’, curated by Suzanne van Hagen, St. Tropez, France
2006: ‘Gesprek II’, museum Kranenburgh, Bergen, The Netherlands
2004: ‘Giants, European Conversation Pieces’, assignment for the Hague Sculpture 2004, The Netherlands.
2004: permanent work for the youth care institution “Rentray”, Lelystad, The Netherlands.
2003: “De Grote Verbeelding”, Grote kerk, The Hague. The Netherlands
2002: “Sister S, Begina”, Voorkamer, Lier, Belgium
2002: Incidental Music, The Matrix Art Project, Brussels, Belgium
2001: ‘Hortus conclusus/hortus ludi’, gallery Phoebus,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2000: Esther Bruggink, Solo, Netwerkgalerij, Aalst, Belgium
2000: ‘Het Verlangen’, solo, De Moira, Utrecht, The Netherlands
1999: ‘International Eclectic’, group exposition, currated by Dennis Bellone, Gallery Walden, Manhattan,
New York, U.S.A.
1999: ‘Post Gent (Suneclipsparty), A cooperation between the museum of contemporary art in Gent
(S.M.A.K.) and ‘Escimo’, initiative by Jan Hoet junior, Gent, Belgium
1999: ’17 the World Wide Video Festival’, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2000-2001:Startsstipendium, subsidy given by the Dutch foundation of visual arts, design and architecture
Jobs as art educator/museumguide:
2013-now: teacher at `De Teekenschool` ( drawingschool) in the Rijksmuseum.
2013-now: Museumguide and Museum teacher at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
2012-now: Museumguide and Museumteacher at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
2000-2012:Teacher in ‘looking at art’ at Kunstkijkuren, Amsterdam, for children between 9 and 12 years old, in the Stedelijk Museum, the Rijksmuseum and the Van GoghMuseum,
2007-2012: teacher in `looking at art` at Kunstkijkuren. Amsterdam in the Tropenmuseum and the Amsterdammuseum.